So, you are heading on a foreign trip and wondering what your travel money options are. Should you get a forex card , an ICICI bank travel card or just get enough foreign cash via currency exchange ? Should you opt for debit/credit cards or travellers’ cheques? So many questions keep going round in your head, and the whole thing can be quite daunting right? Not really, if you do some homework. Ideally, you should keep some spare cash but also get one of the forex cards for the bigger expenses. How about a HDFC forex card or an Axis bank forex card? You could pick one of them. A combination of various options is a good way to carry your money. First, let’s look at forex cards. Foreign exchange cards You can use your card to buy stuff at a mall or a market, spend on tickets, pay for your food at restaurants or order food/buy online. You can get in touch with your bank in your home country and load currency on to the card; this could be any of th...