Finding foreign currency or money exchange locations is simple and easy but choosing the right method could save you a ton of cash. It is no surprise to learn that there are many hidden fees when exchanging money and what used to be a convenient way to get cash is no longer widely used and accepted. Here are the best currency exchange options for travelers. 1. Credit cards: Credit cards are a must these days either to book a hotel room or make large purchases. Whenever you make a purchase in a foreign currency credit card providers charge more than ATMs by adding 2.5 – 3% on top of the spot rate. If you have a travel rewards credit card you get extra benefits that can save you a ton of money. Most of these cards include travel medical insurance and lost/delayed baggage insurance. With any insurance policy, read the T&C print to find out exactly what you’re covered for. Or use a multi-currency forex card for all your payment needs. Once the foreign e...